Berichte vergangener Jahre
aus 2022

Von links: Max Arnold, Vladyslav Larkin, Stelios Halkias
Open Teilnehmer
--- Tabelle
--- Open Paarungen #1
--- #2
--- #3
--- #4
--- #5
--- #6
--- #7
--- #8
--- #9
Senioren Teilnehmer
--- Tabelle
--- Open Paarungen #1
--- #2
--- #3
--- #4
--- #5
--- #6
--- #7
--- #8
--- #9
B-Open Teilnehmer
--- Tabelle
--- Open Paarungen #1
--- #2
--- #3
--- #4
--- #5
--- #6
--- #7
--- #8
--- #9
Bulletin 1 --No.2 --No.3 --No.4 --No.5 --No.6 --No.7 --No.8 --No.9 Abschluss

aus 2020
Der Gewinner des Opens in 2020 heisst GM Vorobiov! Beim Seniorenturnier holte Heinrich Däubler den Siegerpokal. Im B-Open war Wolfgang Müller vorn! Alles über das Schachfestival mit mehr als 280 Teilnehmern im Kurhaus hier im Abschluss-Bulletin. Ganz viele Fotos sind unter LINK zu sehen. Hier auch etliche Partien als PGN-Datei vom OPEN und SENIOREN

Open Teilnehmer --- Tabelle --- Open Paarungen #1 --- #2 --- #3 --- #4 --- #5 --- #6 --- #7 --- #8 --- #9
Teilnehmer Senioren --- Tabelle --- Senioren Paarungen #1 --- #2 --- #3 --- #4 --- #5 --- #6 --- #7 --- #8 --- #9
Teilnehmer B-Open --- Tabelle --- B-Open Paarungen #1 --- #2 --- #3 --- #4 --- #5 --- #6 --- #7 --- #8 --- #9
Ausschreibung 2020 - - - Meldeliste 2020
Year 2019
Open Participants
|| Ranking
Pairings Round #1
-- Round #2
-- Round #3
-- Round #4
-- Round #5
-- Round #6
-- Round #7
-- Round #8
-- Round #9
Senioren Participants
|| Ranking
Pairings Round #1
-- Round #2
-- Round #3
-- Round #4
-- Round #5
-- Round #6
-- Round #7
-- Round #8
-- Round #9
B-Open Participants
|| Ranking
Pairings Round #1
--Round #2
--Round #3
--Round #4
--Round #5
--Round #6
--Round #7
--Round #8
--Round #9
Year 2018
In 2018 GM Milos Pavlovic won in front of GM Vorobiov, both with 7 points.
Open Ranking
Round 1
--Runde 2
---Runde 2
---Runde 3
---Runde 4
---Runde 5
---Runde 6
---Runde 7
---Runde 8
---Runde 9
Senioren Ranking
Runde 1
---Runde 2
---Runde 3
---Runde 4
---Runde 5
---Runde 6
---Runde 7
---Runde 8
---Runde 9
B-Open Ranking
Runde 1
---Runde 2
---Runde 3
---Runde 4
---Runde 5
---Runde 6
---Runde 7
---Runde 8
---Runde 9
In 2018 gewann GM Milos Pavlovic das Open, punktgleich mit GM Vorobiov. Im Seniorenturnier war Dr. Kierzek ganz vorn, im B-Open durfte Heiko Pensold den Siegerpokal entgegennehmen.
Aus dem Jahr 2018
Partien als PGN-Datei
Open Teilnehmer
Runde 1
--- Runde 2
--- Runde 3
--- Runde 4
--- Runde 5
--- Runde 6
--- Runde 7
--- Runde 8
--- Runde 9
Senioren Teilnehmer
-- Tabelle
Runde 1
---Runde 2
---Runde 3
---Runde 4
---Runde 5
---Runde 6
---Runde 7
---Runde 8
---Runde 9
B-Open Teilnehmer
-- Tabelle
Runde 1
---Runde 2
---Runde 3
---Runde 4
---Runde 5
---Runde 6
---Runde 7
---Runde 8
---Runde 9

In 2017 hatte Grossmeister Karpatchev den Turniersieg davon getragen, im 12. Anlauf! GM Pap, IM Pirrot und Vorjahressieger GM Naumkin sind mit einem halben Zähler dahinter gelandet.

vom Turnier in 2017
Open : Teilnehmer 2017 - - Runde 1 - - Runde 2 - - Runde 3 - - Runde 4 - - Runde 5 - - Runde 6 - - Runde 7 - - Runde 8 - - Runde 9 - Tabelle
Senioren : Teilnehmer 2017 - - Runde 1 - - Runde 2 - - Runde 3 - - Runde 4 - - Runde 5 - - Runde 6 - - Runde 7 - - Runde 8 - - Runde 9 - Tabelle
B-Open : Teilnehmer 2017 - - Runde 1 - - Runde 2 - - Runde 3 - - Runde 4 - - Runde 5 - - Runde 6 - - Runde 7 - - Runde 8 - - Runde 9 - Tabelle
Bulletins 2017
vom Turnier in 2016
Paarungen Runde 1
Runde 2
Runde 3
Runde 4
Runde 5
Runde 6
Runde 7
Runde 8
Runde 9
Seniorenturnier 2016
Runde 1
Runde 2
Runde 3
Runde 4
Runde 5
Runde 6
Runde 7
Runde 8
Runde 9
B-Open 2016
Paarungen Runde 1
Runde 2
Runde 3
Runde 4
Runde 5
Runde 6
Runde 7
Runde 8
Runde 9

GM Naumkin wird Sieger in Bad Wörishofen
6 Grossmeister belegen mit 7 aus 9 die ersten Plätze beim Open in Bad Wörishofen, GM Igor Naumkin lag nach Buchholz vorn.
In 2015, GM Halkias won exciting last game and the tournament 2015!
Before the last round Misa Pap was leading in the Open with 7 points, but he had to play against Stelios Halkias from Greece, who won the game and therefore also the tournament. So Misa Pap, who won the tournament in 2012, had to be satisfied with the second place this time, followed by Igor Khenkin on third place. In the senior tournament Wolfgang Weinwurm managed to secure his lead in the last round and won with 7,5/9.
There were many more winners during the tournament, who managed to score points against elo-favourites. Miso Cebalo, born 1945 and Senior World Champion in 2009, won against elo no.1 Igor Khenkin. Altogether there were 293 players from 18 countries in the open and senior tournament, among them 35 titled players.
And the winner is: GM Aloyzas Kveinys!
The well-known Lithuanian grandmaster shared the victory with four other GMs (all 7/9). The Senior Tournament was won by FM Hans-Joachim Neese in front of FM Dr. Bernd Baum.

320 players were participating in the Open and Senior Tournament, among them 12 GMs and 2 WGMs. As usual the tournament hall was the grand Kurhaus in Bad Wörishofen.
A nice success for Christoph Singer from Bayern München: With victories against the GMs Naumkin und Nikolov he was leading after 6 rounds and finally reached 6,5 points, place 9 and an IM-norm. Marius Maier also played a very strong tournament who started with Elo 1949 and reached 6,5 points among the Grandmasters. The best women were WIM Raghavi from India, 14-years-old WIM Zhansaya Abdumalik from Kazakhstan und WGM Monica Calzetta from Spain (all 6 points).

Have a look with google maps how to come here and meet friends in a very special atmosphere. Link to the announcement 2014

In 2013 the festival attracted more than 300 players. In the Open five players shared the victory, of whom GM Vladimir Epishin had the best tie-break.
Die Tabellen aus dem Jahr 2015
Rankings from 2014
Rankings from 2013
Rankings from 2012
Rankings from 2011
Rankings from 2010
Rankings from 2009
Rankings from 2008