Year 2020
Player 2020 - - - Rangliste- - - Round 1- - - Round 2 - - - Round 3 - - - Round 4 - - - Round 5 - - - Round 6 - - - Round 7 - - - Round 8 - - - Round 9
Participants 2019
Pairings R1
--- #2
--- #3
--- #4
--- #5
--- #6
--- #7
--- #8
--- #9

Also 2020 this tournament will be held in Hotel Kaiseralm in Bischofsgrun (Oberfranken).
30 players started the edition 2019, finally Juergen Wempe made it to the top!
Pairings in year 2018 Runde #1, Runde #2
, Runde #3
,Runde #4
,Runde #5
,Runde #6
,Runde #7
,Runde #8
,Runde #9
The Open Senior Championship takes place in Hotel Kaiseralm
in Bischofsgrün from 10. to 18.7.2017.
Link to announcement
Players born 1961 and earlier will compete for the title. Since 2009 the tournament is played here and has left a lot of good memories to the participants. Thanks to Ludwig Wawrinsky you can see a lot of pictures here Ludwig Wawrinsky.
The winners get a cup, the best player from Oberfranken will get a cup as well. The tournament will be calculated for DWZ and ELO. Entry fees 30 euros.

Registration on 26.6.2020, 13 to 14 o clock. Start of first round: 14.30,
all further games at 9:00. Prize giving ceremony on 4.7.2020. Time control: 40 moves /100 minutes, then 30 minutes each for the rest of the game. 30 seconds inkrement each move.
Cups for places 1 to 3, but also every participant will get a valuable present!