Aus den Vorjahren des NordWest-Cups in Bad Zwischenahn
Das Turnier der kurzen Wege, direkt am Zwischenahner Meer, zieht jedes Jahr mehr Schachfreunde an.

Images from 2015

Report of 2014
Li Chao from China won the tournament in front of Krikor Mekhitarian (Brazil) and Vyacheslav Ikonnikov (Russia)!
A new record: Altogether more than 360 participants were playing in three tournaments for different levels.
Sophia Brunner won the C-tournament in front of Tiziano Wul, Sören Evering, Nenad Jelisavac.
In the B-tournament Dennis Weber took first place in front of Semen Diskin and Vladimir Zotin.
Plenty of space for amateurs and professionals: Also the top gets stronger from year to year. Among the 11 Grandmasters in the A-Open the Chinese star Li Chao aroused the greatest interest of the media - even the local TV was present. With Elo 2680 Li Chao is the current No. 5 in China.
Also two young players achieved remarkable successes: Jesper Thybo from Denmark and Jorden Van Foreest from the Netherlands (both 13 years old) managed to invade the ranks of the GMs and finally took place 7 and 8!
Van Foreest here playing against Ilja Schneider

In spite of the hard-fought games it was a very fair and friendly tournament. But the fairness prize should go to Henrik Teske this time: Jesper Thybo had a drawn endgame against the experienced GM, but he wrongly claimed three times repetition. When this was proved to be wrong he resigned - thinking that he had lost because of the wrong claim. But instead of accepting the whole point, Teske preferred to give the draw anyhow!
Games from the bulletins online